Community Outreach, Education & Training

Domestic Violence is an issue of public safety, public health and human rights.

Raising awareness around domestic abuse and building the skills to address it creates a unified response throughout our community in ensuring victims’ safety and no longer tolerating abuse in our homes, neighborhoods and communities.

SPIP’s community outreach and engagement is an important piece of our work to serve victims and their children, break the isolation that surrounds oppression and abuse, and one day end domestic violence.

It enables us to learn about the ever-changing needs of our diverse community, develop ways we can work together to address those needs, and ensure everyone has access to our services. All of these efforts and on-going connections act as a powerful vehicle for internal and external growth in realizing our mission.

SPIP’s education and training efforts work to ensure members of our community, service providers and professionals across disciplines learn about the dynamics of abuse, indicators of domestic violence, how to better engage with and respond to victims, and how to access critical services for help. Our presentations and trainings are tailored for an array of audiences, ranging from justice system workers and healthcare professionals to spiritual groups and community-based providers.

Please call 651-645-2824 to request a meeting or presentation.

“I know that there is a huge umbrella of people in our community who care that I’ve never met. Once I made that phone call to SPIP, all these people became a security wall around me to protect me. I didn’t feel so lost. I could shift from fear and didn’t have to look over my shoulder. I could begin healing.”

– Victim/Survivor