SPIP Attorneys

What is SPIP's Attorney Program?

SPIP’s Civil Legal Attorney Program is an integral part of our agency.

On a daily basis, our attorneys represent victims primarily in OFP and Harassment hearings; provide highly skilled and much needed legal advice in all areas of the law and support our advocates in their work.

Our attorneys work with the judicial system, law enforcement and social service agencies to ensure that victims are represented throughout all areas. In addition, they provide education and training grounded in social and systemic change work and in bringing the realities and safety of the victims and their families to the forefront.

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When connecting with a SPIP attorney...

  • You will be treated with compassion and respect, and believed;
  • Your unique needs, situation and wishes will be taken fully into account;
  • You will be made aware of your legal options and the potential outcomes;
  • You will be assured that the violence is not your fault, and
  • Most importantly, that SPIP is here for you.